Managing your Credit Card Bill Payments has never been this easy. With Utkarsh Small Finance Bank, paying your Credit Card bills is convenient and secure. We offer multiple payment options to ensure you can settle your dues seamlessly. Our secure and reliable payment solutions ensure that your bills are paid on time, every time.
Choose the method that suits you best and experience hassle-free bill management.
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SmartPay is the Bank’s complete payment platform, which can also be used for Credit Card bill payments. SmartPay offers multiple payment options, including Net Banking and UPI.
Click here to make your Utkarsh Small Finance Bank Credit Card bill payment.
NEFT & RTGS (only) fund transfers from another bank using the following details:
Name on Account : Utkarsh Small Finance Bank
Account Type : Current A/C
Account Number : BIZ + Mobile Number + Last 4 Digits of your card number.
Example : BIZ99458392573357
IFSC code : UTKS0001375
Interest Rate 8.00% |
Interest Earned 3,50,452 |
Maturity Value 13,50,452 |
Maturity Date 20 Apr 2023 |
(Indicative interest rates for calculation only. click here for latest rates.) |
Customers can pay the Credit Card dues via NEFT mode or using other payment channels offered by the Bank.
This facility is free of cost and no charges are applicable from the Bank.
Customers should pay their dues by the payment due date which is mentioned in the Credit Card statement.
The minimum due amount is 10% of the total due amount [TAD] plus any other amounts that are overdue. There will be other fees, charges, levies and taxes that will be debited.
The payment made will be credited within 24 hours on your Credit Card account for NEFT/RTGS transactions. In case of SmartPay, it will be reflected instantly.
The excess amount shows up in the monthly statement and is adjusted against the future purchases and / or dues in Credit Card.
Statements will be generated for all the card accounts on 15th day of every month and payment due is on 5th day of every month.
The interest rates vary based on the Credit Card issuer and the credit worthiness. Please check the Schedule of Charges mentioned in the MITC to find the interest rate applicable on various scenarios and any other applicable rates.
The e-statements which is sent by e-mail is free of cost and if customer requires physical statement, then the charges are Rs. 50/- per statement.
The late payment fee is Rs. 500/- in addition to the interest payable on the outstanding Credit Card amount.
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